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Notes from a Bitcoin Whale: My father Horst Lademacher


Updated: Aug 21, 2024

My 93 year old father, Horst Lademacher, is a bad person, and what the Germans call a “Heuchler”. He has no religious beliefs, has never set foot in a church, and has no interest in spirituality. My half brother Christoph Rollbuehler, a respected pastor in Cologne, now just refers about him as the “Verbrecher”. That’s a very bad word, meaning “criminal”.

Horst Lademacher lives with a woman called Marlis Haeseler, an ignorant, uneducated woman with no interests beyond what goes on in her home town, Lüdenscheid. Horst “stole” this woman from his best friend Horst Haeseler, who was dying from cancer at the time. When I asked Horst Lademacher whether this “theft” didn’t affect Mr Haeseler badly, he said “Da muss er sich mal mit abfinden”. Horst Haeseler died shortly thereafter. And make no mistake about it: Horst Lademacher doesn’t love this woman, he simply needed a cleaner and a cook. I feel sorry for her, and her son, Frank Haeseler (a respected gynaecologist) who has to witness his mother giving the remainder of her life to this monster.

I was a happy, and well behaved child and teenager. When I was 16, my father said: “Wenn Du 18 wirst, wasche ich mir meine Hände von Dir”. Why did he say this? I have no fucking idea. What I do know is this: I’ve never had any help, advice or guidance since turning 18.

“Here’s an extra £1000 for university” I would say to my 2 children regularly. That never happened with my father. Birthdays were ALWAYS forgotten, presents were never received, and I don’t think he’s telephoned me once in the last 45 years. I used to say: “Du kannst doch auch mal anrufen”, and he would reply “Machen wir”. He never did. “Hast Du Probleme” he used to say when I rang home as a student with a problem.”Kann ich Dir leider nicht helfen” was his robotic reply.

When, at the age of 26, I landed an amazing job with a prestigious American “Unternehmensberatung”, he always found a way to try and put me down. I was very good at my job and when I quickly got promoted, he only said: “was darfst u denn jetzt machen? Brieftaschen tragen fur die Partner?" What kind of father says things like that?

Years and years later I became a hugely successful Unternehmer, turning over just under £2 million, year after year. My father’s reply: "So von der Hand in den Mund zu leben ware nichts für much”. But then he was what the Germans call a “kleiner Beamter” ie a state employee who, his entire life, held out his hands at the end of each month to be paid by the state. And when he turned 65 “please father state, I was always your obedient servant, please pay me my pension, please? Unbelievable: at one stage my wife and I owned 4 houses, and this lifelong taxpayer parasite still tries to put me down.

When I got my first job, I saved up appr. DM 9,000 to buy a good car. Horst “gave” my car to my brother Christopher Lademacher, through illegal access to the KFZ Brief/Schein I had left in the glove compartment of my car.. When I confronted him about this theft, he got VERY VERY angry, and refused to ever reimburse me. I ended up going to the Police, but this made no difference to this criminal. To date, I am still waiting for my 4,500 Euro, Christopher Lademacher, if you read this, DO THE DECENT THING and pay me.

My father was guided by an erect penis his entire life. In the 1970s, with his wife and 3 children at home, he fathered a child, Christoph, with a student called Elisabeth Rollbuehler (he would be fired from his job if he did this today), and has refused to acknowledge him ever since. 30 years ago he defrauded Christoph out of around 200,000 Euro, by getting him to sign a Erbverzichtsvertrag. Christoph was a naive 18 year old at the time who had no idea what he was signing.

Before and after this, he had countless affairs, all with unattractive blond women. One of these, the married Inge Radde from Kassel gave him “Glücksgefühle”, and he refused to end the affair when my mother Liane Lademacher found out. What an absolute Schweinehund.

Horst Lademacher won’t be missed; he was mean, stingy, a liar, a coward, and an appalling hypocrite, without any moral compass. Most importantly, he is a man who stole from his own children, and refused to honour his debts.

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